A Piece of Tech That Gives You Peace of Mind
Ski Location
Gone are the days of struggling to remember where you left your skis before lunch. PEAK Lôc8’s tracking technology will signal your skis’ GPS location to the mobile app of your choosing and the five LED lights embedded in the skis will illuminate as well. And because PEAK Lôc8 is integrated directly into the ski, it is always there when you need it, no matter if you remember it or not.
Loss Prevention
No matter how long you’ve been skiing, having your skis leave your feet occasionally due to pre-release or a crash comes with the territory. But with PEAK Lôc8’s tracking technology, you’ll often be able to locate your ski using the Hot/Cold search function*. And PEAK Lôc8 is built right into the ski, so even if you manage to keep your skis firmly on your feet most days, it’ll be there when you need it.
Ski Tracking
For many of us, travelling is part of skiing. But the stress typically associated with travelling with skis is something we could all do without. PEAK Lôc8 tracking technology ensures you have visibility on your skis’ location from the moment you hand them off to an airline or ski valet. With it being built into the construction of the skis, you never need to worry about the tracking device being damaged or falling off.